RST has developed and manufactured a wide range of Soil Stabilising Aids to facilitate improved compaction levels for a number of applications.
RST’s Soil Stabilising Aids are designed to modify the existing material and improve structural integrity for effective road stabilisation.
Material Types for Soil Stabilisers
As part of RST’s Dust, Erosion and Water Management Research and Development Program, RST has identified areas of material failure that are common to roads, car parks and hardstand areas as well as larger compacted construction areas. Along with dust control for gravel roads, RST’s carefully formulated innovative range of soil stabilising aids suit many different material types including:
- High plasticity material (high clay content)
- Zero to low plasticity material (sandy, silty materials)
- Materials that are not totally compatible with water
Road Stabilisation Applications
RST manufactures a unique range of products that help to increase soil strength and improve compaction for many different types of road stabilisation applications;
- Unsealed roads
- Car parks
- Hardstand areas
- Construction pads
- Foundations
- Anywhere structurally compacted base materials are required
When applied to gravel roads, RST Solutions’ range of products provide a longer lasting all weatherproof road surface. The products are designed and manufactured to be applied during normal construction and maintenance programs.

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